youmeOn CS

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Latest activity by youmeOn CS
  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    TROT GIRLS JAPAN2024 in 도쿄 스페셜 스테이지 공연 티켓 안내

    안녕하세요. 'TROT GIRLS JAPAN2024 in 도쿄 스페셜 스테이지 공연 일반판매'와 관련하여 안내드립니다. * 본 공연 티켓은 6/30 일본에서 진행되는 TROT GIRLS JAPAN2024 스페셜 스테이지 1부 공연(pm 2:30)에 대한 티켓입니다. ‘오프라인’ 공연 티켓이며, 온라인 스트리밍은 제공되지 않습니다. * 티켓 구입 즉시 ...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    In the Android OS, the audio sounds low.

    It could be due to incorrect microphone settings. Please select the microphone labeled 'Speakerphone' from the microphone list.   Settings > Microphone > Speakerphone  

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    When I try to enter the event, it says I can't join the service due to an unknown error.

    The issue might be due to incorrect time settings. Please change the [Date & Time] in System Settings to Automatic or set it to the correct time for your location.   [Mac OS] Settings > General > D...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    End of youmeOn Message Service for Lee Woo-jin and Ju Won-tak

    Hello, This is youmeOn, a live communication fandom platform. We are announcing the end of the youmeOn message service for artists Lee Woo-jin and Ju Won-tak. End Date: April 25, 2024 After the e...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    'youmeOn Call' New Feature Released ✨🌟

    'youmeOn Call' New Feature Release Video Call with my Bias 💕   We have added a new feature that lets you have real-time video calls with artists. Artists can now directly call their fans, enabling ...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    youmeOn App 1.1 Updated! 📷🌟💫

    Introducing new updated features!   1. Artist can send photos. The artist can now send photos and share daily lives with his loving fans.   2. Set up a profile background image. You can set messag...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    Checking Internet Connection Speed

    For a stable youmeOn live experience, an environment with an internet speed of over 100Mbps is recommended. You can test your current internet speed at If your internet speed...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    Testing Your Camera and Microphone

    Before entering the event, you can check if your camera and microphone are working correctly on the preview page. Click on the 'OFF' button displayed on the screen to change the status of the mic...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    Obtaining Tickets with an Entry Code

    If you have an entry code, you can obtain tickets without any additional payment.   1. On the ticket payment page, please select 'Entry Code' from the dropdown menu where you choose the 'Class'.   ...

  • youmeOn CS created an article,

    youmeOn Service Terms and Conditions(2023.12.1.)

    youmeOn Service Terms and Conditions   Chapter 1. General Provisions Article 1. (Purpose) The purpose of the youmeOn Service Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditio...